Yarra Valley Orienteering Club


Why join the club?

  • As a club mem­ber you become part of our community, and get to compete in our club colours
  • $10 discount on most events in Victoria
  • Free entry to club events if volunteering
  • You will have oppor­tu­ni­ties to learn new skills from other club mem­bers such as course set­ting, organ­is­ing events and map mak­ing
  • Depend­ing on your stage of ori­en­teer­ing there are oppor­tu­ni­ties to improve your skills – begin­ner coach­ing, coach­ing at an event or shad­ow­ing around a course, dis­cussing your course after the event
  • You can join in club activ­i­ties such as social gath­er­ings and club meet­ings
  • You will be able to run in a club team in the relays and the club will pay your entry fee
  • Club championships
  • You will receive a bi-monthly club newslet­ter. The newslet­ter has sto­ries about club mem­bers and some of the things they do, and tells you about future and past events as well as providing tips for improving orienteering skills
  • A subscription to the Orienteering Victoria weekly news bulletin, and access to the online or hardcopy of the “Australian Orienteer” magazine, which is published 4 times per year

How to join Yarra Val­ley Ori­en­teer­ing Club

A step by step guide on how you can join via Eventor is provided HERE, or you can go directly to Eventor. By joining Yarra Valley Orienteering Club (YVOC), you automatically join Orienteering Victoria, the state association governing all Victorian orienteering activities.

The 2023 annual fee to join YVOC (including membership of Orienteering Victoria):

  • $45 – for adult
  • $6 – for junior